Alert Plumbing Service
Alert Plumbing Service,
2587 NW Pine Creek Ave,
Arcadia, FL 34266,

T: (863) 494-6794, (941) 629-1400,
Toll Free (888) 340-2005,
F: (863) 993-0034,

Alert Plumbing Service is a full service plumbing contractor, State Certified, Licensed & Insured. We have been in continuous business for 27 years and Owned and operated by the Lewis family of Arcadia. Our primary goal is to provide quality service in a timely manner. We have a 24 hour live office- no answering machines. We also provide remodeling, repiping, new construction, commercial and industrial work. Backflow installation and certification. We test water for Water systems, Softeners & Conditioners. We install pumps and tanks, aerators & repair wells. We install and repair water heaters, toilets, faucets and fixtures. Re-piping houses or businesses with alternatives to copper.
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